Here's how to apply!
The Corte Madera Emergency Preparedness Fund (CMEPF) was established to provide monetary and in-kind support to the grass roots efforts of building citizen emergency preparedness and promoting community resilience in the Town of Corte Madera.
Grant Eligibility
The grant eligibility criteria for projects, supplies and training that protect our community are:
Recipients must be either an established Corte Madera Neighborhood Response Group (NRG) or other bonafide citizens group in Corte Madera with similar disaster preparation goals
Projects must benefit the Corte Madera community in emergency situations
Emergency equipment such as radios or other communication equipment, *small mobile trailers, materials to stock neighborhood caches, identifying or safety clothing, medical supplies, tools, or generators will be considered
* Please note that equipment purchased through the CMEPFund will be owned and insured by the Corte Madera Community Foundation, but will be made available to the community for drills and/or emergency situations.
Applying for a Grant
There are two ways to apply for grants from the Corte Madera Emergency Preparation Fund.
Print and Mail-in
To download the grant application form, click CMCF_Grant_Form.pdf.
Once you complete the form, print it and mail to:
Corte Madera Community Foundation
​Post Office Box 7109
Corte Madera, California 94976
Apply Online
Complete the form below to apply for a grant online.